Interviews, insight & analysis on Ecommerce

The store is now the most impulsive shopping channel for 54% of UK consumers

The store is now the channel where consumers are most likely to make impulse purchases, according to the latest research from ADvendio, the leading omnichannel advertising solution provider.

Original research of over 1,000 UK shoppers by ADvendio showed that over half (54%) of UK shoppers say they are most likely to impulse buy in-store, compared to 41% who make unplanned purchases when shopping online and 10% who bought on impulse on social media platforms.

Bernd Bube, Founder and CEO of ADvendio, commented: “While the ‘TikTok made me buy it’ era is far from over, the store is have a revival as a mecca for impulse-driven, conversion-ready shoppers. And this is prompting both retailers and 3rd party brands to reconsider how they leverage this opportunity to connect and engage with in-store shoppers who are open to having their buying decisions influenced at the point of purchase.”

44% of the UK shoppers polled would like more digital information available to inform their buying decisions at the shelf-edge in-store, rising to 60% of Millennials, while over half (51%) would be more likely to buy a product if they were served information and content about that product digitally at the shelf-edge.  A further third (36%) said immersive digital adverts about products in the store would make them more likely to try a product they hadn’t bought before.

“As ecommerce and social engagement reaches a point of maturity, consumers are coming full circle and the shelf-edge is now the next battle ground for share of mind and share of wallet,” Bube continued.  “And, because of this, retailers are turning to the store to explore – and invest – in ways to digital reach and engage customers and, ultimately, influence their spend.”

Six in ten (61%) UK shoppers say they are now noticing more branded ads from 3rd party brands when shopping in-store, while over a third (34%) have been influenced to try a product having seen a digitally advert at the shelf-edge in-store, rising to 50% of Gen Z.

Big Four grocer, Tesco, for example, recently announced it was adding to what is already the UK’s largest closed loop grocery media and insight platform, having rolled out digital screens in 150 stores this year.  The digital displays feature animated content to support in-store campaigns and new product launches and complement traditional POS promotional assets. 


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