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How We Built It: Tiffany Buzzatto, founder of DEW MIGHTY.

Give us the elevator pitch Tell us about your brand.               

We are Pioneering Slow Beauty that doesn’t require traditional packaging, contain water, and can be customized for all types of skin while remaining high impact. It was apparent that large brands planned to greenwash and play on the emotions of conscious consumers by offering the bare minimum in packaging innovation. With more than 15 years of beauty experience, I knew the answer needed to be invented from the ground up so DEW MIGHTY was born. 

What inspired you to set up your company                

 My inspiration to start DEW MIGHTY was a mixture of desiring greatly to protect the Planet and also realizing I had an industry I knew best that could make the most impact. Living a conscious lifestyle and doing my research on lowering my waste footprint revealed pretty quickly how hyper consumer and unsustainable we are in the US. There was an obvious need to disrupt the industry I knew bet and to start our journey with inventing streamlined and powerhouse products in beauty. We continue to uphold and educate around our high standards which makes us a an activist company that streamlines beauty into fewer powerhouse products. 

What was your biggest challenge in year one.               

DEW MIGHTY  launched during the pandemic after years of research and work so the biggest challenge was manoeuvring the company’s introduction into the world while the world was changing at a dramatic pace. Everything changed in a blink of an eye with closures and lockdowns and as all people experienced the sadness and complications of a global pandemic, it brought on unprecedented challenges. Looking back it became an incredible journey because it solidified my fortitude to keep going no matter what. I had already poured my heart and soul into our launch so there was no turning back. Finding a way to survive and adapt as a brand while connecting with our audience in a digital way has helped us grow our reach and kept our brand growing. I am happy to say we are about to launch a second unique product for our 2 year anniversary this month! 

What would you say has been your biggest marketing success?                

I would say each and every article and blog written always feels like a success so it can be hard to choose. One that still makes me pinch myself is our 24-hour takeover of the Marie Claire Instagram and their article that included us for Plastic Free July 2021. We had an eco-forward editor reach out to us and we connected deeply about the need to educate about the science and facts of striving zero waste. She being in fashion knew every industry had a long way to go and similar to how we operate at DEW MIGHTY she was passionate about planting the seed to spur audience members to learn more. Many of us eco-warriors, who encounter each other in the wild, bond immediately because greenwashing has reinforced bad habits (recycling plastic?) where what we absolutely need is prevention and protection of our Planet and limited resources. 

What has been the biggest mistake you made?

Honestly, no very large mistakes to note, or that I can remember because I learn and move on. A very big lesson I learned early on, was that no other person will love or be as passionate about my company as myself. Most people offer their opinions without much knowledge or background but taking it all with a grain of salt has saved me a lot of time and unnecessary stress. For all the friends and loved ones reading this article and who know a solo entrepreneur, just know that being supportive goes a long way as well as keeping your advice to yourself. 

Tell us about your plans for the future               

We have big plans to put together educational programs, and events, and donate to do good works all in the hopes to get people motivated to understand that the waste issue is our collective problem but is preventable. We want to empower individuals because there is power in knowledge, in science, and in numbers. Eco-anxiety is real and plagues our youth because they don’t feel like they can envision a healthy planet future but I believe there is a great potential for a greener future on the horizon. I am also excited to share we have product number 2 underway and uphold all of our same ideals and core values while adding a very essential step for a beauty routine. LUCID is a waterless cleanser and mask that water is added to for activation to banish dullness and keep the healthy skin barrier without stripping. All and all another unique powerhouse formula packaged in a refillable metal container.  We will always go further to invent the solutions we feel will enrich people’s lives while making no sacrifices to the Planet.

How we Built it

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