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How We Built it: Ali Wasfy, CEO of Wild Science Lab

Give us the elevator pitch. Tell us about your brand.

Wild Science Lab is a pioneering personal care brand focused on creating innovative, sustainable solutions for skin, hair, and scalp concerns. Our products are meticulously formulated with high-performance, active ingredients and backed by science to deliver effective results. We prioritise sustainability by using eco-friendly practices, natural ingredients, and responsible packaging. Wild Science Lab empowers customers to take control of their well-being by harnessing nature’s power and the latest scientific advancements, making a lasting impact on their lives while preserving our planet for future generations.

What inspired you to set up your company 

The inspiration to establish Wild Science Lab stemmed from a personal experience that both Zoe and I, as co-founders, encountered, as well as a recognised gap in the market. Zoe faced post-pregnancy hair loss, and we both sought natural, effective solutions for our haircare needs. We realised that there was a significant demand for products that focused on a holistic, scalp-first approach to haircare, using naturally derived ingredients and sustainable practices.

Our combined expertise in beauty and healthcare allowed us to create a brand that addresses a wide range of concerns, priorities, and sustainability and empowers customers to take control of their health and well-being. Our mission is to create accessible, preventive solutions for skin, hair, and scalp care that not only deliver results but also contribute to a more conscious and eco-friendlier lifestyle.

What was your biggest challenge in year one?

In the first year of Wild Science Lab’s journey, our biggest challenge was securing sufficient funds to progress our product development and formulation during the pandemic. The economic uncertainty and widespread disruptions caused by the pandemic made it difficult to acquire the necessary capital and resources to drive our projects forward.

To overcome this challenge, I managed to stay in employment during the initial stages, ensuring a steady income to support our venture. This decision allowed us to allocate funds toward completing the product development process and bringing our innovative, sustainable solutions to life. By persevering through this difficult period, we were able to stay on track and maintain our commitment to creating high-quality, natural, and effective products for skin, hair, and scalp care.

What would you say has been your biggest marketing success

Our biggest marketing success has been our ability to build a strong, authentic brand story that resonates with our target audience. By emphasizing our commitment to sustainability, high-quality natural ingredients, and innovative formulations, we have managed to create a loyal customer base who genuinely believe in our products and mission.

A crucial aspect of our success has been working closely with our marketing and PR team, as well as partnering with beauty boxes in the UK and Europe. Since launching, we’ve distributed more than 1 million samples through these collaborations, allowing potential customers to experience our products first-hand and significantly increasing brand awareness.

We’ve leveraged the power of social media, influencer partnerships, and targeted content marketing to showcase our brand values and share our customers’ real-life success stories. This collaborative approach has not only driven brand awareness but also fostered a sense of community and trust among our audience.

The resulting organic growth, word-of-mouth recommendations, and positive reviews have significantly contributed to our marketing success and allowed us to establish a solid foundation in the personal care industry.

What has been the biggest mistake you made

Reflecting on our journey, one of the biggest mistakes we made was not anticipating the rapid growth of our business and the challenges that came with it, given our limited resources. In our initial stages, we focused on developing innovative products and building a strong brand presence but didn’t fully prepare for the surge in demand and operational requirements that accompanied our success.

Tell us about your plans for the future

As we look toward the future, our primary goal is to continue growing and expanding our presence in the personal care industry. We are focusing on strengthening our direct-to-consumer (D2C) business in the UK, ensuring that we engage and connect with our customers effectively while providing them with the best possible shopping experience.

In addition, we are excited to announce our upcoming partnerships with major retail chains in the UK. These collaborations will allow us to reach an even wider audience, introduce our innovative products to new customers, and further establish our brand as a leader in sustainable and effective personal care solutions.

Beyond these immediate plans, we are committed to ongoing research and development to create new, cutting-edge scalp care solutions with black truffle oil.

How we Built it

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